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Webcomics   World Indonesia
Festival & Expo 2024

 Webcomics World Indonesia possesses diverse exhibition categories to reflect our commitment to promoting the growth and development of the webcomics industry both domestically and internationally. 


1. Unmatched Exposure

Introduce your brands and talents to +10,000 visitors, including webcomic enthusiasts, industry professionals, potential collaborators and many more!

2.   IP Exhibition & Showcases

Deep dive into the infinite realm of Intellectual Property (IP) by promoting and displaying derivative products related to animation, literature, film, and more to buyers, investors and consumers. 

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3. Live App Showcases & Tailored

Streaming Showcase

The perfect chance to launch exclusive webtoon series and tailor promotions to spark interest from platform professionals and consumers.

4. B2B Matching 

Gain a competitive advantage by connecting with platforms, streaming companies, and publishers to expand your reach and influence in the webcomics, webtoon, cosplay and gaming industry.

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5.  Direct Sales Channels

Provide top-notch direct sales channels for your merchandize, allowing consumers to have unique first-hand experiences with your products to increase purchase.

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